Wyatt & Joshua - Chat Log 3

[/begin chat thread]
[Wyatt] How're you doing?

[Wyatt] Josh?
[Joshua] Could be better
[Wyatt] I feel that. I was thinking, it's been a while since we last saw each other. I know this is taking up everyone's focus right now, but maybe I could pop on by? It'd be nice to have a chance to actually catch up
[Joshua] Oh, sure
[Wyatt] Are you still at the same apartment? What time are you thinking?
[Joshua] Same place yeah
[Joshua] Whenever you're free
[Wyatt] How about tomorrow, 9:00 PM?
[Joshua] Sure
[Wyatt] Sounds like a plan then

[Wyatt] Hey, I'm about to head over. Anything I should bring? I can get us some food if you want
[Joshua] I can see something
[Wyatt] What?
[Joshua] I think I found her
[Wyatt] Wait, did you go looking for Lillian?
[Wyatt] Josh turn back now, this isn't safe. You need to leave.
[Wyatt] Josh?
[Joshua] She looks the same as she did all those years ago
[Wyatt] That's how you know it's fake, you need to turn back before you get hurt
[Joshua] I can hear it
[Wyatt] Josh don't do this
[Joshua] I found it
[Joshua] I found perfect contentment. Can you come with me, Wyatt?????????????
- Cleaning corruption...
[!corruption fix failed]
[/end chat thread]


The same thing that happened to Lillian happened to Joshua. It seems like Joshua found her instead of directly finding whatever it was that Lillian found. He said that she "looks the same as she did all those years ago," which doesn't make any sense. It's been over a decade. She should have changed.

Once again, I tried and failed to fix the chat thread myself. However, I found another reference to an image in the archives in the corrupted data. This one is named receiver.png. I was able to recover it without incident:

I can't think of any rational explanation for what's happening here. I am extremely unnerved.


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