Project Story Conclusion

Something strange happened today. I received an unexpected download prompt from Marionettes. It's been otherwise locked on the red screen.

This must be what Edward was talking about, with telling history to chisel it into time. Presumably to set the record straight for what truly happened to cause the closing of Upstaged Communications, and what started the spread of the Signal.

This is a project proposal that appeared to have been drafted by Edward when the Signal began to spread, back when the company closed in 2010.

"To the board,"

I trust that you are well. Recent scans indicate that the boardroom should remain safe indefinitely. I implore you not to travel until the stations have been stabilized.

The source of the breach has been identified. A flaw has been found in Marionettes, which was exploited by the Signal through an unwitting vessel in network technician Penelope Adams. It has already spread through all stations with little difficulty, but has refrained from spreading beyond for an unknown reason. As such, there is still a chance for it to be recontained.

We must deactivate the transmission tower, Penelope. To do this, the Signal must be unwound from her hippocampus and amygdala. True history must then be shared with her to restore the memories of who she was and cement it into time, and she must then vanquish the Signal in her own mind, freeing her of its influence. Although difficult to ensure, this process can be influenced by the system once I regain full control over it.

This, then, necessitates me regaining full control of Marionettes. Alongside aiding with shutting down the transmission tower, it will also enure my ability to remove all tainted employees from the stations. Once completed, all that shall remain is removing all memories of the Signal from Penelope. This will block it from spreading through her mind again, thus forcing it back into dormancy as it remains disconnected from the waking world.

I have assembled the remaining employees to aid me. I urge you to respond quickly. Should you require further clarification, I would be happy to discuss the matter with you in person. I know how to find you.

Edward Marion
Upstaged Communications HR
Marionettes Admin"

He wants to remove my memories. Again. He wants to rip out what I've learned. Again. He wants to rip out who I am. Again.

Okay. This is all my fault, even if I hadn't intended any of it. I have to do whatever it takes to fix this. Even if it doesn't work, I have to try.

My concern is that this seems to be what happened before, but it didn't hold. Given Edward's past messages to me, and given how he talked to both Riley and I about there being no alternative, I wonder if there's a new conclusion to this story.

I pray that him mentioning "removing" tainted employees means he has a way to reverse what happened to Lillian, Joshua, and Thomas.


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